
Asia Eastern University of Science and Technology (AEUST)Admissions Announcement and Enrollment Instructions for Accepted International Students 2024 / 亞東科技大學113學年度(2024)外國學生申請入學錄取公告及報到說明



Asia Eastern University of Science and Technology (AEUST)

Admissions Announcement and Enrollment Instructions for Accepted International Students 2024


1.本榜單依據 2024 7 11 112 學年度招生委員會第 19 次委員會議決議,業經簽奉鈞長核准公告辦理。

Admission List is according to the 19th resolution of the Admissions Committee Meeting of Asia Eastern University of Science and Technology on July 11, 2024.


A list of Admitted International Students to Asia Eastern University of Science and Technology for 2024 is attached. The notification will be sent by email on July 16, 2024. Please be aware of it and follow the regulations.

3. 錄取生請於2024年7月22日前,登入網站(https://eservice.aeust.edu.tw/recruit/aeustInternationalRecruitment/ )填寫就讀意願回覆,並點選文件上傳完成,以完成線上”錄取報到”或”放棄報到”手續,逾期未回覆者,即以自願放棄入學資格論,不得異議。

Admitted students should log in to the website (https://eservice.aeust.edu.tw/recruit/aeustInternationalRecruitment/ ) to fill in the reply of willingness to study and then click upload to complete the "Admission Registration" online. Those who DO NOT complete before July 22, 2024, means voluntarily giving up their admission qualifications, and no objection shall be allowed.


Those who are admitted and have completed the procedure of replying Confirmation Letter of Registration should be present at the Division of Registration, Office of Academic Affairs, to check in for registration during the period outlined on the Admission Notice. The admission documents (Certificate of Admission, Admission Notice) will be sent to the mailing address from mid-August 2024.


Please contact us if you have any further questions. (ac_aff_adm@mail.aeust.edu.tw)


If any translation of this document conflicts with the Chinese version or contains terms in addition to, or different from the Chinese version, the Chinese version shall prevail.


Asia Eastern University of Science and Technology

 Admissions Committee

分類: 入學